Reduce Tension & Stress Yoga Workshop

During the workshop we share with you the following:
bullet-pointBreathing techniques to lift stress and tension with Edit
bullet-pointYoga poses to reduce muscle tension and alleviate stress with Muna
bullet-pointTension Release Process; a body centred approach to releasing tension held in your body as the result of stressful events with Susan
bullet-pointSavasana to integrate it all

Here’s more information about the workshop.

1 thought on “Reduce Tension & Stress Yoga Workshop”

  1. Thanks for today Edit, it was a great workshop.

    I’d never had a class by Muna. He was great, and he spoke really well, about dealing with stress and his own experience etc.

    Thank you. Will practice my breathing techniques. I visited my grandad in hospital after the workshop. When I was small I used to sit on the floor and do stretches with him some mornings. 😄 he is very old now and has Parkinsons. I demonstrated to him the 3 breathing techniques, who knows- they might help him 😄😄😄

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